© 2006 - 2017 www.KathleenDuxbury.com, Duxbury Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Ya know - we are really are just
winging this website way of
staying in touch.

Just like a live performance -
we'll see how this plays out.

G & K


2017 Trek

Quite a bit of our travels in the lower 48 states involves researching the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). The focus is on a quite part of American art history - the CCC art program. We are attempting to research this New Deal art program and continue to meet with success as we find CCC art and stories. It was a remarkable Great Depression government art program that had President Roosevelt's personal approval. It created a pictorial record of his favorite New Deal program, the CCC, but also artistically depicted the greatest conservation movement in United States history.

In 2015, Autumn Years magazine published an article featuring our research and travels - "Traveling History's Trails Together".

Images from this research and other highlights from this 2017 trek will be posted here as time and stable internet access allow.

The trek continues. G & K




Casper Wyoming